Saturday 9 August 2014

Part Time Job from Home

For those who are currently finding a part time job. You can try through this link. I think its quite easy to earn money. I already try this part time job. At first I afraid to try because I afraid it would be scam but it's not. So you have to try this and you will find it's quite easy to get money. Here are the link't forget to try. You can try registering first and it does not have you pay for it. You just have to register and the registration fee is free. My advice before you join this you should read about the job requirement. if you believe you can do this job you can proceed with registration. if not better you should not register. but if you still want to register you can try because it would not affect you if you register and not doing the job. you just can't get the money I think. that's all from me. Before I forget this part time job is really suitable for student, housewife and anybody who works from home because this job can be done everywhere as long as there are internet connectedHope this will help you to earn extra money like me...:)..XOXO

Friday 18 July 2014

* KeNaNgaN LaMa

lama dah tak update. tiba hari ni rasa nak update blog sbb nak luahkan perasaan. tak tau nak citer kat sape.dekat blog macam privasi sikit. hari ni aku ingat dia lg. dah bnyak kali dah ingatak aku kuat dekat dia. tapi hari ni macam tak dapat kawal perasaan.

Sunday 1 June 2014

Assalamualaikum.. dah lama sangat tak update blog ni.dah berhabuk, berkulat bagai dah ni.. hari tiba rasa nak jenguk blog ni..pastu penat ngan study rajin je tngan ni tekan new post. saje je nak bg blog ni hilang sikit habuk..ok skarang dah study week.. aku sebenar ada target sendiri utk exam kali ni..aku target nak dapat lebih daripada sem lepas. tapi aku tak tau dapat capai tak target tu. dah lar study pn malas. ish2..satirah ni bila lar nak rajin kan diri untuk study.. alahamdulillah setakat ni aku punya pointer tak lah bawah 3 lagi..tapi nak jugak merasa dapat lebih tinggi daripada pointer yang aku selalu dapt..nak dapt dekan tu memang jauh sangat nak gapai tu..tapi tak tau lar dapat tak aku capai target aku kali ni..